Try to provide as much information as possible. If a question does not apply to you or the person you are registering write ‘Not applicable’ or ‘N/A
Who is registering?
Only provide your details if you are registering someone else.
If you were given a FMED133A form (sometimes called an FMED1 form) when you left the UK Armed forces, you should give this to your GP surgery
Your GP surgery needs permission to share important information from your GP record. This is called a Summary Care Record (SCR). Your SCR can only be shared with health and care staff across England who are providing you with direct care. It gives them access to vital information from your GP record. Please note none of your data is sold
1. Yes, share a Summary Care Record with additional information Includes details of your medicines, allergies, adverse reactions and additional information, which includes details of any significant illnesses and health problems, operations and vaccinations
2. Yes, share a Summary Care Record without additional information Includes details of your medicines, allergies and adverse reactions only
3. No, do not share a Summary Care Record Details of your medicines, allergies, adverse reactions and any additional information will not be shared with anyone involved in your direct care
For new born babies please bring in birth certificate and the red book.
Please tick one box that best describes your ethnic group or background from the options below:
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