Care Quality Commission

Our practice is inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to ensure we are meeting essential standards of quality and safety.

This widget provides a summary of the results of the latest checks carried out by the CQC.

The CQC have emailed the practice to say that they have carried out a review of the data available to us about Swineshead Medical Group on 7th April 2022. We have not found evidence that we need to carry out an inspection or reassess our rating at this stage.

The CQC have emailed the practice to say that they have completed an off-site monitoring inspection on 3rd March 2022.

They state 'We suspended our routine inspection programme in March 2020 in response to Covid-19 and do not intend to resume it for the immediate future. We have continued to use a mix of onsite and off-site monitoring to ensure the public have assurance as to the safety and quality of the care they receive. As we emerge from the pandemic we are further developing our monitoring approach. In accordance with this approach we carried out a review of the data available to us about Swineshead Medical Group on 03-03-2022.

We have not found evidence that we need to carry out an inspection or reassess our rating at this stage. This could change at any time if we receive new information. We will continue to monitor data about this service. Please note, this does not amount to an assessment of the rating for this service under section 46 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008.

We will add this text to our website to inform the public about this outcome.

We carried out a review of the data available to us about Swineshead Medical Group on 03-03-2022. We have not found evidence that we need to carry out an inspection or reassess our rating at this stage.'

CQC Information

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulates all health and adult social care services in England, including those provided by the NHS, local authorities, private companies or voluntary organisation. It also protects the interests of people detained under the Mental Health Act.

The CQC makes sure that essential standards of quality and safety and being met where care is provided, from hospitals to private care homes and GP surgeries. If services do not meet the required standards, the CQC has a wide range of enforcement powers to take action on behalf of people who use those services.

The CQC's aim is to make sure better care is provided for everyone, whether that's in hospital, in care homes, in people's own homes or elsewhere.

Involving People

The CQC makes sure that the voices of people who use health and adult social care services are heard by asking to share their experiences of care services. It makes sure that users' views are at the heart of its reports and reviews. In some cases patients and their carers work alongside inspectors to provide a user's view of services.


By law all NHS providers (such as hospitals and ambulance services) must register with the CQC to show they are protecting people from the risk of infection. The registration system applies to NHS provider trusts (acute, ambulance, mental health and primary care) and the NHS Blood and Transplant Authority.

From October 2010 all health and adult social care providers must be registered and licensed with the CQC to show they are meeting essential standards of quality and safety. Without registration, providers will not be allowed to operate, Swineshead Medical Group has been registered with the CQC since April 2013.


The CQC has been given a range of legal powers and duties. It will take action if providers don't meet essential standards of quality and safety, or if there is reason to think that people's basic rights or safety are at risk.

The CQC can be flexible about how and when to use its enforcement powers, such as fines and public warnings. It can apply specific conditions in response to serious risks. For example, it can demand that a hospital ward or service is closed until the provider meets safety requirements or is suspended. It can take a service off the register if absolutely necessary.


The CQC also carries out periodic and special reviews in order to improve health and social care in the UK. The CQC's priority is to improve the public's experience of health and social care. Swineshead Medical Group was first inspected by the CQC in November 2013, in October 2014 as part of the new periodic inspection regime and again in July 2015 and February 2019.

Our last inspection was on 22nd August 2019.