The best way to contact the practice is via eConsult. You can access this from the front page of this website. Simply answer the questions and send the questionnaire. A Clinician will view your problem/request and either email you back, contact you by telephone, arrange a video consultation or book you an appointment to be seen face to face.
The practice operates a daily triage system which assists the GPs to manage requests for same day appointments and ensures that patients are seen by an appropriate health professional within a sensible timescale.
Patients requesting an urgent or same day appointment will be assessed by a GP, Nurse Practitioner or Nurse Prescriber. In discussion with you (the patient) they will decide whether you need to be seen at the surgery, if a video consultation is appropriate or whether some advice over the telephone or prescription is sufficient.
Our advanced nurse practitioner, practice nurse and HCAs work alongside the GPs to ensure this service meets the needs of our patients.
The telephones are staffed by our Care Navigators from 8.00am.
The Care Navigators will ask you what your problem is so they can direct you to the appropriate service.
Calls to the surgery between 8.00am and 8.30am should be for urgent matters only.
There is no open access or ‘sit and wait’ surgery. To ensure we are fair to all our patients, queuing up outside the surgery before it opens does not mean you will be able to ‘jump the queue’.
Genuine emergencies will always be seen the same day.
If you wish to see a particular doctor, or wish to discuss an ongoing health problem with the same doctor you will often have to wait as the doctors do not work every day. Whilst the practice strives to ensure that you see the doctor of your choice it may not be possible to offer an early appointment if surgeries are already fully booked, or if the doctor has been on leave.
If surgery is not running on time there is always a good reason, usually as a result of a medical emergency which will always take priority. The Care Navigators will inform you of any unusual delay and we trust you will be patient and understanding and of course we will try to keep delays to a minimum.
How Do I Obtain Telephone Advice?
If you complete a eConsult questionnaire the doctors and nurses can telephone you to discuss your problem. They are available at certain times of the day to give non-urgent advice or to discuss test results over the telephone. If you are calling for test results, please try to telephone after 10.00am. We cannot guarantee a time when calls will be returned; non-urgent calls may not be returned on the same working day.
How Do I Obtain Test Results?
The best way to find out what your results are is by completing the eConsult questionnaire. If you go to the front page of the website and select the 3rd option.
How Do I Cancel An Appointment?
If you are unable to keep a booked appointment it is essential that you contact us so that we can offer the appointment to another patient. We cannot always re-use appointments that are cancelled at short notice. Help us to help you and other patients who may be able to be seen if you cannot make your appointment.
Text (SMS) appointment confirmation and reminders can now be sent to your mobile phone. Please complete a consent form at reception.