
Swineshead Medical Group is working to support both adult and young carers using or working within our organisation, the team are currently working towards the Lincolnshire Carers Quality Award.

Both Adult and Young carers can be affected by the impact of juggling an unpaid caring role, with employment and/or education and everyday life. The practical and emotional implications of caring for a family member , friend or neighbour can be stressful and demanding.

The reality for many carers is that the disengage from education or leave employment, struggle with everyday demands and lose sight of their own health and wellbeing to focus on their caring responsibilities.

If you use our services please let us know if you have caring responsibilities so we can offer help and support should you need it.

Please contact Swineshead Medical Group to let us know you are a Carer and have a chat about your situation and how we can help support you.

Please click on the link below to complete a Carers Identification form

Carers Identification and Referral Form

Support Information for Unpaid Carers

Do you look after a relative or friend who due to ill health, physical or mental illness, disability, frailty or addiction cannot manage without your support? Then you are a Carer and may want to talk to someone about your caring role and any support needs you may have.

Anyone can become a Carer. Carers come from all walks of life, all cultures and can be any age.

A young Carer is someone aged under 18

Please speak to a member of the Practice team. Our staff will be happy to assist you

Out of Hours Duty Team Tel 01522 782333

Lincolnshire Carers Service:

For assessment, support or emergency response


01522 782224

Advice and guidance for carers


Carers Trust

0300 772 9600

Lincolnshire Young Carers


01522 553275

Young Adult Carers

Carers Hub


0300 303 1555

Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum

0845 331 1310

Carers Line

020 7378 4999
Social services

01205 310 010

01775 725 751


01522 811582
Lincolnshire County Council 01522 782333