We have free parking for staff and Patients. We also have disabled parking spaces and easy access to the building. Please display your disability badge when using these parking spaces.
Booking in for your appointment
On arrival you can book in via reception or by using the self-service check-in computer.
We are allowed to dispense to patients who live more than a mile away from a pharmacy.
Those patients who would like their prescription emailed to their local pharmacy please inform the practice of your nominated pharmacy so we can send prescriptions electronically directly to them.
Triage Service & Routine Appointments
We would like the majority of our patients to use the eConsult system. Please use the link on the front page of this website and submit your problem.
All of the eConsults will be triaged by one of our clinicians and allocated to the appropriate person. The Clinician dealing with your request will either reply to your eConsult via email, telephone you, do a video consultation or arrange for you to come to the practice to be seen face to face.
If you telephone the practice the staff will ask you why you are calling and what medical condition your would like to discuss. This is so the on-call Clinician can book you with the appropriate clinician. Not all patients need to be seen by a doctor. Some patients will be booked with the Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Associate, MSK Specialist, all of whom are specialist in particular areas.
Other Services provided at Swineshead Medical Group include:
MSK Specialist - Faizan Hamid - Faizan is a highy qualified physiotherapist who will make an initial assessment of a patient with orthopaedic problems. This will include diagnosis, interpretation, management plans, self-care advice and signposting, diagnostic requests, prescriptions and onward referrals both to physiotherapy and secondary care orthopaedic services.
Physiotherapy - H S Physiotherapy hold a clinic every Wednesday & Thursday at Swineshead. The practice clinical staff can book you directly in to the physiotherapists clinic.
Chaplaincy Service (Wednesday's - see below)
Diabetic Retinopathy Screening (every day for 6 weeks, once a year)
Social Prescribing Service (Thursday mornings)
Care Through Chaplaincy
Primary Healthcare Chaplaincy service
Swineshead Medical Group is very happy to be able to inform you that the Lincolnshire Community Healthcare Chaplaincy service is available to all of our patients.
“Chaplaincy volunteers work in a non-denominational manner”
We are lucky enough to have a chaplaincy volunteer attached to the surgery called Carol.
This service is available to all, regardless of faith or belief. You do not have to be referred by a GP, nor do you have to be a member of the church to access this service. The chaplaincy volunteers work in a non-denominational manner and are happy to assist you with whatever your spiritual needs, difficulties or questions are.
If you would like to talk to someone in times of crisis and ill-health, please phone reception on 01205 820204 and let one of the Care Navigation Team know and they can book an appointment for you. Appointments will be available on a Wednesday morning.
(During Covid these appointments will be over the telephone - Carol will call you at your appointment time)