Swineshead Medical Group is a Veteran Friendly Practice
Swineshead Medical Group is working with NHS England and NHS Improvement and is an accredit Veteran Friendly GP practice. This programme supports practice to deliver the best possible care and treatment for patients who have served in the armed forces.
If you have served in the military and need help and support please call the practice and ask for David Harding. David is our appointed Veterans Support Officer and also the Practice Manager. He is a veteran himself and served in the RAF for 25 years.
The Boston Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast Club meets every Saturday at 0900 at the Sizzling Pub and Grill (was the Spirit of Endeavour), Marsh Lane, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE217QS. The Breakfast Clubs exist to help veterans, and often currently serving Armed Forces personnel, by meeting face to face, in a relaxed, safe and social environment. Our ethos is mutual support.
Military Care Navigator specifically for Maternity Services
A brand new initiative has been created in Lincolnshire through the Maternity Voices Partnership, this being a Military Care Navigator specifically for Maternity Services. The post was created following a review of Lincs Maternity Services which highlighted issues amongst the Military and Veteran community.
More information of this service can be found in the posters:
Lincs Military Maternity support poster (PDF, 813KB)
Service personnel starting a family - help (PDF, 115KB)