When you are travelling abroad it is likely that you will need various vaccinations to ensure your good health and protect you from some diseases. Fees will apply for some of these, please contact the practice nurse who will discuss your requirements and advise you on appropriate vaccinations for the countries you are visiting. Appointments can then be organised to suit your travel arrangements.
Please allow plenty of time before your trip (6 to 8 weeks is recommended) as some vaccinations have to be given at specific intervals or take time to become effective. Swineshead surgery is a designated yellow fever centre.
Patients travelling abroad for more than three months, or moving abroad, can be issued a prescription for up to three months' medication to allow for travelling and to make alternative arrangements. Please note that if you intend to live abroad for more than three months you will not be eligible for free NHS services and will be deducted from the practice's registered list of patients.
Charges for medications dispensed from a private prescription will be calculated on an individual basis. Medication supplied on a private prescription has to be paid for regardless of any NHS or other exemptions.